Indivisible Event: Where's Baird?
Representative Baird's office has publicly stated that he had no intention of meeting with constituents in the past congressional recess or the near future. We invited him to a town hall, but have received no answer to that invitation, but we will hold it without him. Even though we expect him to ignore our event, we still encourage folks to attend the meeting, and to bring with you your signs, your stories, and your questions. Sign up and find more information here https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/764021/

Truth & Accountability: Ethics in Journalism
Brian Rosenthal, Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter for the New York Times, will be in conversation with local writer, Angie Klink. This special presentation on journalistic integrity will showcase the process of investigative reporting. Brian will discuss the responsibilities of journalists, including accuracy, fairness, and accountability. Lunch provided. Tickets are $20/person. Click here for more information and tickets.

Community Action Fair
This will be an opportunity for you to learn about other community organizations and faith groups that you might have an interest in joining, all in one place. It is an indoor setting and light refreshments will be available. Here is more information about the event, and how you can participate.
Schedule for Community Action Fair in Fellowship Hall
1:00 – 5:00 pm: Participants can arrive at the Fellowship Hall and visit tables which will be staffed by volunteers from various organizations. You can talk to the organization members, join an organization, enjoy refreshments, gather and talk together.
Schedule for Community Action Discussion, happening simultaneously, in the Sanctuary:
2:30 pm: Reverand Jennie Barrington, UUCTC Minister, will welcome everyone to the event and her church
2:40 pm: Kathy Dale will welcome everyone on behalf of the organizers of the event and explain the rationale for coming together and what the rest of the day in the Sanctuary will look like.
2:45 – 4:15 pm: Kathy Dale will facilitate a discussion that will include small groups addressing questions such as:
-What are the greatest threats to democracy, humanity, peace and justice that we face?
-What are the best actions to take to respond and what can each individual do personally?
-How can our local groups work together to address these threats?
4:20 – 5:15 pm: Kathy Dale will lead a wrap-up of the ideas generated from the small groups and lead a general discussion including writing down action steps.

People’s March
The People’s March is about one thing: our power.
It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance.
We may have dark days ahead, but we will always work to protect our freedoms, our families, and our communities.
Please join us for a peaceful march from the Sonya Margerum Fountain at Tapawingo Park to the Court House where we will rally and listen to several inspiring speakers and make our voices heard!

Tippecanoe Latino Fest
The Tippecanoe Latino Festival is a free annual community event hosted by the Latino Center for Wellness and Education. The Tippecanoe Democrats will be there registering voters and talking about our great candidates. Sign-up here to volunteer to help at the party table.

Mosey Down Main Street
Mosey Down Main Street is a series of free street celebrations brought to you by the local artistic community in Lafayette. The Tippecanoe Democrats support this event throughout the summer and look forward to meeting you at our table. Sign-up here to volunteer.

Labor Day in the Park
The Lafayette Chapter of the Northern Indiana Area Labor Federation organizes this event. Free admission to the Columbian Park Zoo, train rides and paddle boat rides were just some of the activities available. Tippecanoe Democrats will have a table. Sign-up here to volunteer.

Book Discussion: White Poverty How Exposing Myths about Race and Class can Reoncstruct American Democracy
You are invited to join in a discussion of this important new book and consider how it Greater Lafayette applies to the Lafayette area and the upcoming general election. Rev. William J. Barber II along with Johnthtan Wlrson- Hartgrove will lead the discussion.

Outfest in Lafayette, Indiana, is an annual LGBTQ+ pride festival celebrated in September. It features live entertainment, vendor booths, food, and activities for all ages, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community atmosphere. Democrats will have a booth in support of this event. Volunteer to help in the booth here.

Boilermaker B-Involved Fair
Come visit over 440 student organizations and learn more about getting involved on campus! Tippecanoe Democrats will be there registering voters and telling students about our great candidates. Sign-up here to volunteer for our booth.

Indiana’s New High School Diplomas
Join us for a panel discussion on Indiana new High School diplomas.. The GPS and GPS+ High School diplomas will be the only option for students graduation for High School in Indiana. The two options do not have the minimum academic requirements to be admitted into any Indiana college or universities.

Mosey Down Main Street
Mosey Down Main Street is a series of free street celebrations brought to you by the local artistic community in Lafayette. The Tippecanoe Democrats support this event throughout the summer and look forward to meeting you at our table. Sign-up here to volunteer.

Documentary: God and Country
A free showing of God and Country with discussion afterwards. This documentary is a 90-minute investigative tour through the growth of the Christian Nationalist movement in the U.S., including the events of the January 6 Capitol insurrection. The narrative is enhanced by many of today's top scholars of theology, history, Constitutional law, and journalism. A discussion will follow the viewing. Doors will open at 6:00 pm; program begins at 6:30

Reproductive Freedom in Indiana. Where are We Today?
It has been 2 years since the Supreme Court ended Roe and stripped our constitutional right to reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy. Come hear Haley Bougher, Indiana State Director of Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates and Indiana State House Representative Chris Campbell speak about the current state of abortion rights in Indiana and what you can do to fight back.
Haley Bougher
As the Indiana State Director for Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates (PPAA), Haley leads statewide legislative advocacy, political strategy, organizing and communication programs. She serves as PPAA's chief lobbyist in the Indiana State Legislature and manages the state's Political Action Committee. Haley is responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans to protect and advance reproductive rights and healthcare access across Indiana.Chris Campbell
Representative Chris Campbell, who has served District 26 in the Indiana State House since her election in November 2018, will provide an update on recent developments regarding reproductive rights in Indiana. She will discuss the current status of Indiana's abortion legislation and outline ways Hoosiers can advocate for reproductive freedom. Rep. Campbell will also share the latest information from the state house concerning access to birth control.

Spring 2024 Electronics Recycling Event
Tippecanoe County residents may bring in electric and electronic devices such as TVs, computers, laptops, vacuum cleaners, printers, etc. for recycling at no charge. We will NOT accept items with refrigerant such as AC units, refrigerators, dehumidifiers, or freezers.
We will NOT accept large appliances such as washing machines or stoves. oe County residents may bring in electric and electronic devices such as TVs, computers, laptops, vacuum cleaners, printers, etc. for recycling at no charge. They will NOT accept items with refrigerant such as AC units, refrigerators, dehumidifiers, or freezers. They will NOT accept large appliances such as washing machines or stoves.